Here Are 10 Reasons School Choice Is Winning

School choice is a growing movement, one that is already lifting thousands of kids across America.

The results are tangible. And states are leading the way, giving parents more options in their children’s education than ever before.

Here are 10 of the most promising benefits of school choice.

1. School choice is good for student safety.

Parents who exercise school choice frequently list school safety as one of their primary reasons for doing so. School safety is a particular concern in communities where violence is common.

School choice options can help students escape communities where bullying, gang related violence, or other school violence is common. This has proved the case in Milwaukee, where research found that school choice participants were half as likely to commit felonies and misdemeanors as those who went to their local public school.

On a wider scale, five empirical studies have found that students participating in private-school choice are safer and receive better schooling, as seen in the table below. 

Read the full article from The Heritage Foundation